Make Sure You Have The Galvanized Steel Angle Sizes You Need
Steel angles are L-shaped strips of carbon steel that add structural support to construction projects. Galvanized angles are a popular choice and there are many different galvanized steel angle sizes. Understanding the different sizes of steel angles and when to use them is important if you want your buildings to stand the test of time.
What Are Steel Angles and How Are They Used?
Steel angles are metal bars rolled into 90-degree angles providing structural reinforcement for construction projects. These L-shaped materials provide strength and stability to a structure. They do this by distributing weight, preventing compression, and withstanding tension.
Galvanized steel angles specifically are a popular choice in construction because of their performance. They are more cost-effective than stainless steel, while offering the same lightweight durability. Their zinc coating is rust-resistant and self-healing, making the angles easy to work with and ideal for adding structural support that will outlast the building itself.
Steel angles are used to frame, support, and brace buildings, bridges, towers, and other architectural and industrial structures. Their versatility, strength, and even aesthetic value make them indispensable components in various construction projects.
What Units Are Used to Measure Galvanized Steel Angles?
To find the size of a galvanized steel angle, you measure the length, width, and height. Another way to explain it is to measure each side, or “leg,” that makes up the 90-degree angle, and then measure the thickness of the metal itself. Finally, the angle bars themselves come in various lengths.
Inches are the standard form of measurement for galvanized steel angles. Popular measurements look like “1 x 1 x 1/8” or “3 x 3 x 1/2 ” Steel angles with legs of equal measurement are easier to order off the shelf, as they are more common. Some projects call for varying leg lengths, which may need to be custom-ordered.
At South Atlantic, we offer our galvanized steel angles in two standard lengths: 20 and 40 feet. We offer standard sizing of galvanized steel angles with equal leg lengths of up to 3 inches. At 4 inches long, we do keep more options in stock of varying lengths. For example, we have 20-foot galvanized steel angles available in 4 x 3 x 1/4 and 5 x 3 1/2 x 5/16 sizes. Most of our 40-foot steel angle sizes have legs of unequal lengths, as the longer steel angles are typically used for projects of a greater scale.
You can view a full list of our “off the shelf” galvanized steel angles.
What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing A Galvanized Steel Angle Size?
When you are ready to order your galvanized steel angles, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
First, consider what you are using the steel angles for and the load or stress they will need to withstand. This will help determine the appropriate size and thickness needed for structural integrity. Also think about the dimensions of the materials the angles will connect, as well as any necessary spacing between them. Factor in any potential weight restrictions in your construction project. Thicker steel angles may be heavier and need extra support.
As we explained above, many popular angle sizes start out with equal leg lengths. But, some projects benefit from having one leg be longer than the other to prevent the metal bending over time. This is also a situation where the thickness of the angle can make all the difference. An angle that is helping support the eave of a barn roof will bear a much different load than one that is part of the structural frame of a bridge. Even if your project is using steel angles for their aesthetic value, the different weights and lengths will impact the end result of your project.
Taking extra time to calculate the load your angle needs to bear and talking through your project with a seasoned manufacturer and galvanizer will help you choose the best sizes for your project.
Where to Order the Right Galvanized Steel Angles for Your Project
Because steel angles play such an important, structural role in construction projects, it is vital that you trust the company who manufactures the ones you use for your projects. Here are a few things to look for in your galvanized steel angle manufacturer:
A Large Range of Galvanized Steel Angle Sizes
For ease of ordering, you want to find a supplier that offers both a mix of standard sizes and custom sizes. This way you don’t have to shop around and keep track of various shipments just to make sure you have all the right parts.
A Company that Specializes in Galvanized Products
If you want to use galvanized steel angles, working with a company that has a solid reputation for manufacturing quality products is important. A company that specializes in galvanized steel and galvanizing will know how to properly treat and handle the steel from start to finish, ensuring it performs as intended.
A Team That Manages the Order and Delivery Process from Start to Finish
For real peace of mind and ease of ordering, you want to work with a company who will take care of the entire process. This includes giving expert advice as you place your initial order and staying in communication with you until your materials are delivered to your job site.
What we’re really saying is: if you want the best galvanized steel angles on the market, delivered on time and on budget, then our team at South Atlantic should be your first choice!
Our Galvanized Steel Products are Time-Tested and Loved By Our Customers: Place Your Order Today
At South Atlantic, we have over 50 years of experience manufacturing our own galvanized steel and working with other American manufacturers to offer our customers an extensive selection of trustworthy products. That means we are well positioned to help you with your upcoming construction project.
To learn more about the galvanized steel angle sizes we have in stock or ask our experts what sizes they would recommend for your project, you can contact us. No matter what your project needs, at South Atlantic, we’ve got you covered!